Censura in Cina? Skype nega con decisione

Censura in Cina? Skype nega con decisione

Riporto pari pari:

In China, TOM Online is the majority partner in our joint venture that brings Internet communications to Chinese citizens. The software developed and distributed in China by TOM utilizes Skype functionality, and TOM, just like any other communications company in China, has established procedures to meet local Chinese laws and regulations.

In 2006, Skype publically disclosed that Tom operated a text filter that blocked certain words on chat messages but that it did not compromise Tom customers? privacy. Last night, we learned that this practice was changed without our knowledge or consent and we are extremely concerned. We deeply apologise for the breach of privacy on Tom?s servers in China and we are urgently addressing this situation with Tom.

We confirm our strong belief that Skype to Skype communications, enabled by our peer to peer architecture and strong encryption, remain the most secure form of publically available communications today.

Bella reazione da parte di Skype: a distanza di poche ore dalle polemiche che avevano visto Tom-Skype al centro delle accuse di censura, ecco un chiarimento preciso ed immediato: sì, c’è censura; no, non c’è violazione della privacy. E infine: sì, le chiamate Skype-to-Skype sono ancora le più sicure di tutte.

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